FRLAN+JANSEN architetti is an architectural firm based in Turin, Italy from 2002. In 2003 “Frlan+Jansen Architetti” gets public recognition and is awarded with a Honourable Mention for the project “Office building in industrial area in Collegno – Turin”, at the Gold Medal for Italian Architecture, from the Triennale of Milan. Over the years the firm receives various prizes and publications for its projects including in 2001 (as co-designer) the second prize for the new station of Porta Susa, Turin, in 2003 selection at the Mies van der Rohe Awards, Barcelona, and in 2006 the first prize for the refurbishment of the historic market hall in Falconara Marittima, Ancona. “Frlan+Jansen Architetti” has been invited to various competitions, among others, in 2010 the Lavazza’s new headquarters in Turin, about 30.000 sqm, designed in collaboration with “Ove Arup Ltd.” London, and in 2013 the Reale Mutua Assicurazioni Turin’s headquarters. Today “Frlan+Jansen Architetti” is working in the “low cost” market and in the luxurymarket in Italy, Netherlands, Croatia and US with Studio Alvente.

Vanja Frlan

Born in Croatia in 1964, Vanja FRLAN lived for three years in India and later moved to Italy where she graduated in architecture at Turin Polytechnic in 1990. After working as a free-lance architect, she sets up “Frlan+Jansen Architetti” together with Maarten Jansen in 2002, where she acts as lead designer and managing partner. Her architectural approach is characterized by a conceptual and sculptural vision of the project, in search of a poetic dimension, and by an expressive use of materials and great attention to the cultural and environmental sustainability.

Maarten Jansen

Maarten Jansen was born in the Netherlands in 1958, where he got his bachelor degree in civil engineering. Afterwards he moved to Italy and graduated in Architecture at the Polytechnic of Turin. His work is characterized by a conceptual and technical approach to the project, an economical and technical research in materials and a great attention to detail. Tridimensional modeling is at the basis of his work since 1981 from the territorial to the detailing scale. From 2004 to 2011 he taught as a contract professor at the design master classes, Faculty of Architecture, Turin Polytechnic.